The Well-City Salisbury Celebration and Symposium

What makes a Well-City?

This series of events marks the end of an extraordinary three-year cross sector partnership, Well-City Salisbury, celebrating the achievements and sharing the learning of all of those who have participated, facilitated and contributed.

It will begin with an exclusive participant celebration, and private view of the Well-City Salisbury exhibition featuring work from recent creative courses. This is followed by a two-day symposium of collaborative and reflective discussion sessions exploring the question ‘What makes a Well-City?

For full details and booking information, please see the listings below.

The Celebrations

Thursday 12 September, 1 – 3pm
An exclusive event for participants
Invite only

An opportunity for all of the participants who have taken part in a course over the three years to come together and celebrate their achievements, creativity and friendships.

Thursday 12 September, 6 – 8pm
End of Exhibition Private View
Invite only

A private view on the opening night of the end of year exhibition to honour the creative work and achievements of participants who took part in courses in the final year of the project. Project team, artists, participant friends, families and referrers are invited to celebrate together.

Friday 13 September
Saturday 2 November End of Year Exhibition
Open to the public

Come and visit our end of year exhibition at Young Gallery, Salisbury to discover and witness first-hand the participants inspiring body of works. This event is free to attend and open to the public subject to Young Gallery opening times.

The Symposium

Wednesday 18 September, 10 – 12pm
Salisbury Playhouse
Artist Session – For professional artists
Email for ticket links
Light refreshments provided 

Are you a creative who’s interested in hearing more about the role our artists played in the project? Are you looking to expand your work to move into a socially engaged practice? Then this is the session for you. Come and meet the Well-City Salisbury artists and find out more as they reflect and share their perspectives on the project and the impact it has had on them. This event is suitable for professional artists working or wanting to work in mental health/wellbeing.

Wednesday 18 September, 2 – 4pm
Salisbury Playhouse
Stakeholders Session – This event is ideal for stakeholders and organisations involved in community projects.
Book via Eventbrite
Light refreshments provided

What makes a Well-City Salisbury? At this session you will hear not only from the W-CS team but from other local community groups and organisations who work to deliver opportunities and support for improved health and wellbeing.We are delighted to welcome, Anne Trevett – Safe Supportive Salisbury (SaSS), David Davies – Celebrating Age Wiltshire, Laura Tween – Able Hands Together, Jackie Crowther – Happy Café Rethink and Stephanie Jalland – Hoodwink Theatre.

Thursday 19 September, 10 – 4:30pm
Salisbury Playhouse
What makes a Well-City? Project Symposium
Open to the public, artists and community stakeholders – Book via Eventbrite
Lunch provided

Join us as we share the learning and impact from our extraordinary 3-year project, exploring the strengths of a cross-sector partnership and hearing directly from partners, artists and participants in more detail. Over the course of the day there will be a variety of workshops, talks, activities and panel discussions. Book your free tickets on Eventbrite.

Got a question or need help booking a free ticket?