Well-City Salisbury supports people with low to medium mental health needs in the Salisbury area through free, 10-week long creative courses and volunteering opportunities.
Our courses are facilitated by staff from our partner organisations – ArtCare at Salisbury District Hospital, Wessex Archaeology, Wiltshire Creative and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust– alongside local artists experienced in supporting people with mental health needs. Courses are available for both adults (over 20s) and young adults.
There are 2 routes to taking part in a Well-City Salisbury course: referral and self-referral.
The project primarily uses a model where participants are referred onto a course by their GP practice, support organisation, community group or school wellbeing team. However, we also welcome self-referrals.
What to expect FAQs
Q How do I find out about the courses?
We release information about Well-City Salisbury creative courses throughout the year. You can find out details of upcoming courses on our partner websites (ArtCare, Wessex Archaeology, Wiltshire Creative and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust) or by clicking on our Courses tab at the top of the page. You can also sign up to our mailing list to receive course calendar updates and opportunities soon as they are open for booking.
Q What types of activity do the courses involve?
All of our courses are different but will involve some type of creative activity, such as drawing, painting, pottery, felting, collage or creative writing. Some of our courses will involve activities like guided tours or walks or presentations from experts. During the course you’ll have the chance to meet new people, chat with other participants, facilitators and artists and there will always be plenty of time for breaks with tea, coffee, cake and biscuits.
Q Do I need to have had prior experience in a creative activity to take part?
No, absolutely not! You don’t even need to think of yourself as someone who’s particularly arty or creative. All we ask is that you come with an open mind and a willingness to try something new in a supported environment. You will be guided by an experienced artist or creative practitioner and the other participants on the course will have a range of abilities and levels of experience.
Q Where will course sessions take place?
Courses will have different locations depending on which partner is delivering the course and what will be happening during the course. Some courses will take place at our partner venues (like Wiltshire Wildlife Trust or Salisbury Arts Centre) or at other venues in the community. Particular course sessions might take place at an artist’s studio or might occur outside for activities like guided walks. Locations for each course are included in the details of upcoming courses.
Q How do I enrol to take part in a creative course?
The project primarily uses a model where participants are referred onto a course by their GP practice, support organisation, community group or school wellbeing team. However, we also welcome self-referrals. Ask your referrer or sign poster to get in touch for a referral pack which includes the applicant enrollment form. Individuals can tape part in a maximum of two creative courses each year of the project. After this, we encourage people to stay involved by exploring other project pathways, such as volunteering and mentoring opportunities.
If you have already taken part in a course, you can self-refer onto a second. You can find a self-referral form listed at the bottom of this page or please get in touch with our Project Coordinator using the email below.
Q What if I have access needs?
If you have access needs, please let us know about these during the enrolment process. We want to support you to take part in our courses however we can. There are lots of adjustments we can make to ensure you’re able to participate in the ways that work best for you, however, we’re unable to provide 1:1 support.
Q Why do you ask for an identified support person details on your self-referral forms?
We ask each participant for contacts details of their GP or identified support person because if we see a decline in your mental health over the period of the course, we may talk to them regarding additional support. We will never get in touch with them without asking your permission before.
Q What materials do I need to bring?
Nothing! We’ll provide everything you need to take part in the course, including a sketchbook that is yours to keep and take home. We’ll also provide any protective equipment needed, such as aprons. There may be some sessions that are messier than others where you might not want to wear your best clothes but the course artist will let you know in advance which sessions these will be.
Q Is there parking at or near course venues?
Each venue will have its own car parking arrangements. While some venues may have parking for course participants to use, where this isn’t the case, we’ll let you know where the nearest car parking is and how much it costs. Where car parking or transportation costs to course sessions would be financially difficult, please let us know, as we may be able to support you with these costs.
Q Is there a mailing list I can join?
Absolutely! Be sure to sign up to our mailing list to stay updates on courses, workshops and other exciting opportunities. Sign up here.
Referring Yourself
How it works
For the self-referral route, our Participation Criteria will be helpful in deciding if a Well-City Salisbury course is a good fit for you. If you’re interested in joining a course, please complete the self-referral form below.
Please note that due to demand, people can take part in a maximum of 2 creative courses per project year. However, please still complete the form as we will add you to our waiting list. We encourage participants to stay engaged by exploring other project pathways, such as volunteering opportunities and art club.
To complete the form, all boxes need to be filled in. If you do not have an answer, please enter “N/A” or a period (.) to proceed with the form submission.
If you would prefer a paper copy of the form, please email our Project Coordinator, Zoe, at wellcity.salisbury@wessexarch.co.uk.
Referring Someone
How it works
To access the referral route, the referrer – GP, link worker or community connector, support worker or other professional – should complete the referral form below. The person being referred should complete the participant enrollment form with support from their referrer or our Project Coordinator, Zoe.
Please note that due to demand, participants can take part in a maximum of 2 creative courses per project year. However, still complete the form and we will add you to our waiting list. We encourage participants to stay involved by exploring other project pathways, such as volunteering opportunities and art club.
To complete the form, all boxes need to be filled in. If you do not have an answer, please enter “N/A” or a period (.) to proceed with the form submission.
Email our Project Coordinator, Zoe at wellcity.salisbury@wessexarch.co.uk if you would prefer a paper copy.