Hands on Artyfacts with Salisbury Museum
25 April - 20 June 2023
This course made creative connections with our ancestors by exploring extraordinary objects from the Salisbury Museum Collection.
Beginning with the theme of “gather”, participants turned their attention to a different theme each week, focusing on activities of everyday life and the things we have in common with the people of the past.
We held objects our forebears held and respond creatively to them using a range of art and craft techniques including drawing, printmaking, and book-arts.
Participants built up a catalogue of creative work that tells individual stories of connection with people of the past.
Tamsin Loveday is a Multi-disciplinary Artist with a special interest in paper, printmaking and book-arts. Tamsin works with individual people and groups to support creative wellbeing. Tamsin is a trained Mental Health First Aider and this was Tamsin’s second Well-City Salisbury course.
Tamsin Loveday